Tom felton rise of the planet of the apes
Tom felton rise of the planet of the apes

tom felton rise of the planet of the apes
  1. #Tom felton rise of the planet of the apes movie
  2. #Tom felton rise of the planet of the apes full
  3. #Tom felton rise of the planet of the apes series

#Tom felton rise of the planet of the apes movie

Over time, the movie has planted itself in cultural consciousness, so much so that it now belongs to everyone who is part of American culture. The original Planet of the Apes film, along with its many sequels, belongs to American society. By gripping on to the other Apes films, the new version assures its place in cultural history and thereby assures its immortality.

#Tom felton rise of the planet of the apes series

This does more than just adhere to a “mythology” it also cements Rise of the Planet of the Apes into a series that has become ingrained in American popular culture. More than just serving as an origin story, or prologue to an epic saga, Rise of the Planet of the Apes spreads its tendrils (a feature that apes do not actually have) in through the whole franchise, creating a cyclical web that often falls back upon itself. “We tried to do that in various ways – in winks and nods – but on a bigger level, we put a great amount of effort in building from the mythology of the earlier movies.” “We felt from the beginning we need to create a story that could stand on its own and totally separate from the Planet of the Apes series, but we wanted to pay honor to the originals,” screenwriter Rick Jaffa told the Los Angeles Times, Hero Complex blog.

#Tom felton rise of the planet of the apes full

The movie is, of course, full of references to the other Apes movies, but even as the beginning to a franchise that began 40 years ago, it works well as a distinct feature. Nonetheless, the filmmakers did a triumphant job making the Rise of the Planet of the Apes suspenseful. It hasn’t been transformed into the Planet of the Apes, but it will be, and we know it. By the end of the film, the Earth is still Earth. The plan is known in advance, as well as the fact that while the apes may be fighting for their freedom now, they will soon rule over humans (us) as masters over slaves. The steps may not be clear, but Caesar has to escape, has to make the other apes intelligent, and has to go on a rampage.

tom felton rise of the planet of the apes

The reason for this draws back to recollection: as a viewer, we already know what’s going to happen. Still, Caesar isn’t the hero like George Taylor (played by Charlton Heston) is the hero of the original 1968 film, Planet of the Apes. Viewers sympathize with Caesar - the chimp who starts off as Rodman’s hyper-intelligent pet but then leads the uprising - and eventually root for him because his oppressors are so oppressive. Interestingly, despite their fury, the apes are not made out to be the bad guys. At first, the outcome is miraculous, then, it is horrifying. The drug has tremendous results, making the apes smarter, and calculating. Will Rodman –- played by James Franco -– tests an experimental brain-mending medication on Chimpanzees. In this seventh, yet first, Planet of the Apes film, Dr. Like the drug, it’s about forced recollection: the film fights to jolt the viewer’s cognizance, to make sure the viewer doesn’t forget. Rise of the Planet of the Apes is, above all else, a movie about and reliant upon memory. It’s appropriate that the drug that leads to the ape uprising, as well as the destruction of humanity, was one designed to cure Alzheimer’s disease.

Tom felton rise of the planet of the apes